
Acupuncture is a centuries-old Chinese medical technique, involving the careful insertion of small needles along selected points on the body, used to treat imbalances and obstructions in various organ systems. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, pathologies are the result of relative deficiency or excess in the body – which you may have heard referred to as the inequity between the yin and yang. The goal of Acupuncture is to stimulate the restoration of balance in the body, resulting in organs that function optimally and in harmony with all other body systems.

Many extended health plans will cover acupuncture with either a Registered Acupuncturist or Naturopathic Doctor. Please check with your extended health provider for details.

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AcupunctureAcupuncture is a centuries-old Chinese medical technique, involving the careful insertion of small needles along selected points on the body, used to treat imbalances and obstructions in various organ systems. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, pathologies are the result of relative deficiency or excess in the body – which you may have heard referred to as the inequity between the yin and yang. The goal of Acupuncture is to stimulate the restoration of balance in the body, resulting in organs that function optimally and in harmony with all other body systems.
Many extended health plans will cover acupuncture with either a Registered Acupuncturist or Naturopathic Doctor. Please check with your extended health provider for details.

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