Nutrition & Diet Counselling
Where to start?
Most of us know that our health can be improved by cleaning up and improving our diet - but where do we start? With so many opinions and sources of information out there, how do we know what to believe and what can we do to make it simple? Are there certain foods we should be avoiding or seeking out? Should we be taking vitamins and supplements? How do we know if we are “sensitive” to a certain food? These are all common questions, and if you are unsure how to go about answering them, a visit to a naturopathic physician at AIM is a great start.
Detox, Weight loss, Energy, & Endurance:
Dietary changes can be implemented for a variety of health goals. These can include increasing energy, detoxification, weight loss, and improving athletic and sport performance and endurance. Your AIM naturopathic physician will work with you to create a nutrition plan tailored to your goals.
Guidelines, Shopping, & Recipes!
The journey toward better health almost always starts with incorporating better eating habits and choices into one’s lifestyle. We can provide food sensitivity testing when required, and nutritional assessments based on physical exam, laboratory testing, and blood analysis. From this point we can create a dietary plan with guidelines, shopping lists and recipes to help. Your AIM naturopathic physicians are experts in helping you navigate this aspect of health and once you start eating and feeling better, you will likely never turn back!